Uschebtis, Ägyptische Totenfiguren in der Antikensammlung des Münzkabinetts

Name: Uschebtis, Ägyptische Totenfiguren in der Antikensammlung des Münzkabinetts Winterthur
Author: Harry Heidelberger
First published: 1985, Zürich und Winterthur
Amount of pages: 96
ISBN: no ISNB number
Average price: unknown
Availability: Rare
Language: GermanContent: Shabtis in the “Münzkabinetts” in Winterthur, Switserland


This book is a nice little overview of the 14 shabtis in this “Münzkabinetts” in Winterthur, Switserland. It’s more like a museum catalogue then a real book (hence no ISBN number!).

What I like about the book is its handy size and the quite detailed description of each of the shabtis.

Unfortunately, it’s only a very limited amount of shabtis which is a pity. Also, all pictures are in black & white, which is understandable considering the presumably limited amount of copies but nevertheless, I would have liked colour so much better.


This book(let) is only of interest for the die-hard shabti interested individuals that want to read and see everything about shabtis in the world.

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