Ouchebtis de deir el-medineh

Name: Ouchebtis de deir el-medineh
Author: Dominique Valbelle 
First published: 1972, Publications de l’institute francais d’archeologie orientale 
Amount of pages: 84 plus 31 plates 
Average price: EUR 200- EUR 350 
Availability: Extremely rare 
Language: French Content: Overview of shabtis found in deir el-medina


It took me a long time and only after the help of a friend to obtain a copy of this ultra rare book on shabtis from deir el-medina. It was probably printed in a limited amount of copies that this book is so rare.

The content is a gathering from shabtis from various museums, mainly Cairo and the Louvre and is the only decent study of shabtis from this area. After the introduction which is well documented, we get a description (hieroglyphs, size and general remarks) of some 185 shabtis, which are followed by plates with pictures from these shabtis. The description also contains information on the amount of shabtis found for each owner, so its more than just a description of one shabti for each owner, comparable to Newberry’s Shabtis. 

Most of the shabtis are pottery TIP shabtis for the ordinary man, so one should not expect nice New Kingdom or, of course, Late Period shabtis that often originate from Sacquarra. 


A nice study and overview of the type, if you can find the book! Only interesting for the hardcore shabticollector. If you are one, the book is a must.

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