Chaouabtis Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’eternite

Name: Chaouabtis. Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’eternite
Author: Bovot, Jean-Luc 
First published: 2003, Editions de la Reunion des musees nationeuax 
Amount of pages: 101 
ISBN: 2-7118-4607-5 
Average price: EUR 30-40 
Availability: Good
Language: FrenchContent: Catalouge of the 2003 shabti exhibition at the Louvre


This small booklet is a catalouge of the 2003 exhibition at the Louvre. However, apart from an overview in writing of the pieces of the exhibition, the booklet is more an overview of the various topics of shabtis, such as material, develpment in time and so on.

In that sense this booklet is complementary to the booklet of H.M. Steward’s Shabtis, which can be a very first introduction to the topic.

Since the other book of Bovot, Les Serviteurs Funeraires royeaux et princiers de l’ancienne Egypte, deals extensively about the royal pieces in the Louvre, this booklet adds little extra in that respect. On the other hand, some non royal pieces at the louvre are well pictured in this booklet as well. 


A more general book than the other book of the Louvre shabtis by Bovot. Therefore, less interesting for the shabti specialists and more fore the general public. In view of the limited price and the well written general comments i can still recommend this booklet.

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