Mere Scraps of Rough Wood?

Name: Mere Scraps of Rough Wood? 17th-18th Dynasty Stick Shabtis in the Petrie Museum and other collections 
Author: Paul Whelan 
First published: 2007, Golden House Publications, London, 
GHP Egyptology 6
Amount of pages: 151
ISBN: 978-1-906137-00-7 
Average price: EUR 40 
Availability: Good
Language: English


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Uschebti – agyptische Dienerfiguren einer deutschen Privatsammlung

Name: Uschebti – agyptische Dienerfiguren einer deutschen Privatsammlung 
Author: Stefan Decker 
First published: 2005, Kempen, Germany (October 2007) 
Amount of pages: 140
Average price: EUR 79 
Availability: Good
Language: German Content: Description of shabtis in a private German collection


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