Estatuetas Funerarias Egipcias da XXI Dinastia

Name: Estatuetas Funerarias Egipcias da XXI Dinastia
Author: Luis Manuel de Araujo
First published: 2003, Dinalivro
Amount of pages: 1115
ISBN: 9-782951-209206
Average price: EUR 50 – 100
Availability: Unknown, limited to 1000 copies but probably soon second edition 
Language: Portugese 

Content: Overview of all Portugese TIP shabtis in museums and references to all TIP shabtis known.


This book is a publication of a Portugese doctoral thesis. It’s huge with over 1100 pages. Its size and thickness reminds of a telephone book. 

When it first arrived I was a bit disappointed, expecting over 1100 pages of shabti pictures, but it contained “only” some 200 pages of specific shabti pictures with description. Now, after one years time, I finally fully appreciate the book for what it is, one of the best shabti Third Intermediate Period reference books!

Every TIP shabti known is described in the book with references to museums worldwide.
Another great thing is that the book contains full colour pictures of the Portugese shabtis (back and front) at high quality.


It’s the best reference book for TIP shabtis and thus a must have for shabti collectors. Its not intended for the general ancient Egypt interested.

CAA Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien

Name: Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien 
Author: Reiser-Haslauer, Elfriede 
First published: 1990, Philipp von Zabern 
Amount of pages: 157 (part 5) and 147 (part 8) 
ISBN: 3-8053-1155-9 (part 5) ISBN 3-8053-1290-3 (part 8) 
Average price: around EUR 100 
Availability: Rare 
Language: German 

Content: Shabtis in Vienna, Austria Museum up to and including TIP


The CAA series is an early attempt to fully document all items in a specific area from museum collections. It started in the 1980’s and lasted till the mid 1990’s. Then funds ran up and it is my understanding that unfortunately the project will not be finished.

This CAA deals with the New Kingdom (part 5) and Third Intermediate (part 8) of the shabtis of Vienna. The CAA items are always well described and this volume is no exception. The photo’s are, as always in this series, B&W. However, as a bonus some pages where later added in colour.

The CAA is a loose leaflet series, which I thoroughly dislike. Its very unhandy to tumble through the pages. My suggestion would be to buy something where you can add the loose pages in. 


CAA’s are a must have for die-hard shabti collectors. Its a wealth of information and good documented. Due to the B&W photo’s and the loose page it is rated with only 4 shabtis. Otherwise 5 would be deserved! 
Not recommendable to the average Egypt enthusiastic.

Funerary Statuettes, Oslo

Name: Funery statuettes
Author: Naguib, Saphinaz-Amal
First published: 1985, Phillipp van Zabern, Mainz am Rhein
Amount of pages: 132
ISBN: 3-8053-0816-7 
Average price: EUR 50 – EUR 100
Availability: Rare
Language: English

Content: Shabtis in the Etnografik Museum Oslo from all periods


This edition of the Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum focuses on the shabtis in the Oslo museum. It’s a nice overview of shabtis from all periods (which can not be said from all CAA series. A lot of Cache 2 shabtis are represented in this catalogue, making it extra interesting for the Cache 2 lovers (me!).

The pictures are all B&W unfortunately and I dislike the loose-leaf character. 

The book is in the English language, which is welcome to most collectors.


A recommendable shabti-book, like all CAA’s on shabtis, especially for shabticollectors and shabtilovers. Not of interest for the general reader of Ancient Egypt.

Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam

Name: Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam
Author: Haarlem, Willem van
First published: 1990, Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam
Amount of pages: 264 
ISBN: no number 
Average price: around EUR 90 
Availability: Good 
Language: English Content: Shabtis in the Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam, from all periods


The Allard Pierson Musuem in Amsterdam has a fantastic amount of shabtis in its collection (unfortunately just little are on display). This Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum therefore results in a wealth of shabti descriptions, fortunately in the English language.

As with the other CAA’s, the pictures are all B&W unfortunately and in the terrible loose-leaf edition.

The description of the shabtis is unfortunately very limited and the dating not always accurate. For example on page 60, I would date this shabti to the New Kingdom, 19th dynasty, compared to most white faience shabtis with red face and hands, and not to TIP. Furthermore, the 21th dynasty shabti of Muthetepti is dated to the 25th dynasty! 


This CAA edtions has it flaws. However the huge amount of shabtis makes up for most of the flaws if you are hardcore shabti-lover. Considering the fact that is still for sale at the museum I recommend not to wait!