In this all new publication a parallel overview is provided for the worker shabtis of Tayu-heret, buried at the famous Royal Cache. Credits go to Patrice Renault who wrote most of this article and identified at least 4 significant different sets. The worker shabtis of Tayu-heret are very beautiful and of the highest quality. Strangely so, only 59 workers are known, of the likely original 365! If people know of ones we have missed, please send it to us for addition. The overseers were published earlier here.
Category: Shabti parallel
SC/151: Striding TIP overseer
Striding shabtis are surprisingly rare and they can be cleary dated to a specific time. Read all about it in the newly published shabti as SC/151!
SC/149: Shabti of Djehuty-em-Akhet
The shabti newly published as SC/149 is for a 26th Dynasty individual called Djehuty-em-Akhet (which can be translated as “Toth is at the horizon!”). This Late Period shabti has a very rare element in the inscription. Read more in the publication.
SC/148: Shabti of Pay-Iry
A rare New Kingdom white faience shabti for Pay-Iry has been added to the database! Click on the link to see and read all about it.
Parellels to SC/4, Nesimen
For the shabti of Nesimen (SC/4), click here.