In this all new publication a parallel overview is provided for the rare shabtis of Amenemope, Master of Secrets. Again an co-author publication with Patrice Renault who did amazing work on the hieroglyphs and finding parallels.
Publication of the shabtis of Ta-shed-Mehyt
In this publication i have prepared a parallel overview of the shabtis for the lady of the house, the chantress of Amun, Ta-shed-Mehyt. Apart for one worker shabti published by shabti scholar Glenn Janes, the shabtis for this lady have never been published before.
Publication of the shabtis of Prince Ramesses-mentuherkhepeshef
In this publication i have prepared a parallel overview of the shabtis for Prince Ramesses-mentuherkhepeshef. The shabtis for this son of Ramses IX burried in the Valley of the Kings have received little attention and have never been properly published before.
Manchester Museum shabti collection
The Manchester Museum shabti collection is now available online. Shabti scholar Glenn Janes has updated his now sold out print catalogue of over 500 pages and made it available for online viewing for GBP 20 in a fully searchable e-book in flip-book format. If you do not have the book this is a must have. One of the first books I grab for research for parallels as there are so many in this excellent and well reseached book.
Publication: The shabtis of Psamtek son of Mery-Neith
In this publication i have updated the parallels for Psamtek son of Mery-Neith with the new examples that have come to light, following our book with the similar name. Priority has been given to the private collection examples and their current whereabouts.