The shabti newly published as SC/150 is for a 19th Dynasty individual called Wep-Mes. This New Kingdom fragmentary black serpentine shabti has some beautiful elements such as a part of a Ba-bird! Read more in the publication.
Publication: Update of the Nesy-per-Nub parallel overview
Earlier this year we published a parallel overview of the beautiful shabtis of Nesy-per-nub. Since then, Patrice Renault has updated this publication as more have come to light. Although the document is allready a staggering 100 pages plus, i am sure that many more will come to light as the numbers in museums seem to be limited. Enjoy the new publication!
SC/149: Shabti of Djehuty-em-Akhet
The shabti newly published as SC/149 is for a 26th Dynasty individual called Djehuty-em-Akhet (which can be translated as “Toth is at the horizon!”). This Late Period shabti has a very rare element in the inscription. Read more in the publication.
Publication: update of Pinedjem II overseers
In early 2017 I published a parallel overview of 22 overseers shabtis of the important High Priest of Amun Pinedjem II. Since then, two more have come to light. As i expected they derived from private collections. One was auctioned by Bonhams in 2o18 and subsequently published by Glenn Janes in his excellent Amasis publication and another was brought to my attention by a collector who kindly shared a picture and the additonal information (private collection PR). By now we have therefore 24 (of the probably originally 36) overseers known examples. Finally, i came across a colour picture of one of the Moscow shabtis, so that has been updated too. Enjoy the new publication PinedjemII!
SC/148: Shabti of Pay-Iry
A rare New Kingdom white faience shabti for Pay-Iry has been added to the database! Click on the link to see and read all about it.