Publication: The worker shabtis of Tayu-heret

In this all new publication a parallel overview is provided for the worker shabtis of Tayu-heret, buried at the famous Royal Cache. Credits go to Patrice Renault who wrote most of this article and identified at least 4 significant different sets. The worker shabtis of Tayu-heret are very beautiful and of the highest quality. Strangely so, only 59 workers are known, of the likely original 365! If people know of ones we have missed, please send it to us for addition. The overseers were published earlier here.

2 thoughts on “Publication: The worker shabtis of Tayu-heret”

  1. Very impressive publication.
    If it is of any interest I have an example of a worker shabti for Tayu-heret seemingly similar to those in SetC.
    It is 10cm tall and was purchased from Bonhams on 10th June 1997, Lot 210.

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