Book review of The Shabti Collections – 4

Name: The Shabti Collections – 4, Stockport Museums
Author: Glenn Janes
First published: 2012, Olicar House Publications
Amount of pages: 31
ISBN: 978-0-9566271-3-1
Average price: GBP 20
Availability: Good
Language: English

Content: Description of shabtis in the Stockport Museums


In his series of cataloging collections of museums in the North West of England, shabti scholar Glenn Janes arrived in Stockport in 2012. The collective museums of Stockport possess 22 shabtis that are published in this fourth volume in the Shabti Collections series.

The pictures and description of the shabtis are excellent as we are used by this author who is known for his extensive knowledge on the topic and quality of his research.

This is the smallest booklet of the series and the very limited amount of shabtis in just 19 entries make this volume less attractive for the general researcher. On the other hand, it does contain some rare examples and with a price of GBP 20 one can never go wrong.


The price/quality for this book is excellent as always with this author. Most suited for the serious shabti researcher.

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