Name: Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam
Author: Haarlem, Willem van
First published: 1990, Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam
Amount of pages: 264
ISBN: no number
Average price: around EUR 90
Availability: Good
Language: English Content: Shabtis in the Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam, from all periods
The Allard Pierson Musuem in Amsterdam has a fantastic amount of shabtis in its collection (unfortunately just little are on display). This Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum therefore results in a wealth of shabti descriptions, fortunately in the English language.
As with the other CAA’s, the pictures are all B&W unfortunately and in the terrible loose-leaf edition.
The description of the shabtis is unfortunately very limited and the dating not always accurate. For example on page 60, I would date this shabti to the New Kingdom, 19th dynasty, compared to most white faience shabtis with red face and hands, and not to TIP. Furthermore, the 21th dynasty shabti of Muthetepti is dated to the 25th dynasty!
This CAA edtions has it flaws. However the huge amount of shabtis makes up for most of the flaws if you are hardcore shabti-lover. Considering the fact that is still for sale at the museum I recommend not to wait!