Name owner: Psusennes I, Pasib-Kha-Niw.t
Title owner: King
Dimensions (hxwxd): 14.0 x ? x ? cm
Translation hieroglyphs: The illuminated, the Osiris, the king
Preservation: Intact
R-R: 117.1
Provenance: ex. collection Ede.
Comments: This faience shabti of Psusennes I is extremely rare in private collections. For a published parallel see Aubert 1974 plate 34, no. 76. Aubert writes (translation taken from the virtual museum: :”In 1939-40 in Tanis, within the walls of the great temple, Prof. Pierre Monted discovered intact the tombs of Kings Psusennes I and Amenemope, served by a considerable number of shabtis… In the series found at the feet of Psusennes’ sarcophagus, 325 servants and 44 chiefs (all in faience) are kept at the Cairo Museum. The initial count on small bronze shabtis is much more elusive. 167 servants and 7 chiefs are kept at the Cairo Museum, to which were added another 14 specimen purchased later by the Museum. Another thirty, without counting the chief and servant of the Cambridge museum were located by us in Europe. These included, M.P. Clayton currently knows of 15 chiefs and 232 servants in bronze.”
Please note that the text on this shabti as well as the first cartouche deviates from the Aubert example. This example has both cartouches written correctly. As follows from the translation of the text of the shabti, the name Psusennes I is the Greek name of the King.