Name owner: Tentipet
Title owner: The Osiris
Dimensions (hxwxd): 7.8 x 2.9 x 1.4 cm
Translation hieroglyphs: The Osiris, Tent-Ipet
Preservation: Intact, minor chip feet section
R-R: 358.2
Provenance: –
Comments: This shabti is for the Lady Tent-Ipet and it is in excellent condition. The faience coat is well preserved with only a small area of encrustrations on the front.
In view of the well defined ears and mouth section compared to other known examples, it is likely that this is one of the first shabtis of the mold.
The study of Niwinsky reveals that the Cairo museum holds the Outer coffin, the inner coffin and the mummy cover.
The coffin mentions the name of the owner Tent-Ipet. Note the temple as determinative of Ipet, as to make sure that one reads the Temple of Karnak instead of “Harum” and her title chief of the second choir of Chantresses of Amun. Daressy recorded the find of the coffin and the other funerary equipment as follows:
Coffin 119. The large shroud has an Osiris figure and an inscription: Wsir wr.t Xnr.t n Imn nsw.t-nTr.w sA 2-nw Tn.t-ipt. A red dress was found in the mummy wrappings. The scarab is made of soapstone [steatite] and is inscribed. The inscription on the leather braces is ir n Hm-nTr tpy n Imn pA-nDm sA Mn-xpr-Ra, and the pendants [plaquettes?] are inscribed ir n[n] Hm-nTr tpy n pAy-nDm sA-nsw pA-sbA-xa-n-niw.t mr Imn. The red wax plaque was very thin and was found broken. The geniuses [four sons of Horus?] were made of wax and showed poor craftsmanship.
The coffin is of the Type identified as II-b by Niwinsky, for the lid of the outer coffin, see the next page which shows a scan of the lid, “21st Dynasty coffins from Thebes”, A. Niwinsky, Plate IV.
Museum parallel overview in Aubert Cache 2 nr. 43. Together with my own research I come to the following parallel overview:
According to L. Aubert there are only two musea that possess shabtis of Tent-Ipet. These musea are Chigaco and Dole. In Chigaco there are two overseers with the inventory numbers 94.307 and 94.308 and two workers with the inventory numbers 94.303 and 94.404. In Dole there is only one shabti with the inventory number 12.
I have not been able to find any further parallels in musea.
Apart from the object here described, currently in Holland, the following different shabtis in private collections can be found:
a) J. Aubert, worker published in L. Aubert, coll. Michel Philippe
b) A.W. Meijer, Holland, published in “Objects for eternity”, 2.44 acquired in 1995,
ex-collection Mr. J. Beekmans.
c) Collection T., Holland, overseer, sold by James Ede, previously by Moger, respresented with the royal beard and a separately detailed whip.
d) Unknown, worker, sold by Schulman in 1981, who acquired it from Moger
e) Unknown, worker, sold by Schulman in 1978, who acquired it from Moger
f) Unknown, worker, Archea Amsterdam
g) Unknown, Isthar Gallery, overseer, sold at the BAAF 2007
h) Collection S., United Kingdom, worker, acquired from an old collection within the UK