Name owner: Karo
Title owner: The illuminated, the Osiris, the Overseer of the cattle in the temple of Amun
Dimensions (hxwxd): 14.7 x 4.2 x 2.0 cm
Translation hieroglyphs: The illuminated, the Osiris, the Overseer of the cattle in the temple of Amon, Karo, true of voice
Preservation: Chips to arm and feet (restored), otherwise good with some discolouration.
R-R: 346.17
Provenance: –
Comments: Parallel in Glenn Janes, Shabtis: A Private View, nr. 20. Two other examples appeared on the art market.
The face is a bit unusual and suggests a Nubian background. Also unusual is the blue paint for the details. Note that the back side of the shabti shows waterpots (only still visible on the right side).