Name owner: Dua
Title owner: The Osiris, priest, lord of the estate
Dimensions (hxwxd): 9.7 x 3.5 x 2.9 cm
Translation hieroglyphs: The Osiris, priest, lord of the estate, Du-A
Preservation: Intact; faience eroded in certain areas; number painted in red on the back
R-R: 398.11
Provenance: Deaccessioned by the Metropolitan Museum, USA, in the 1950’s.
Comments: Text transliteration: wsir Hm-nTr nb-S dwA
There is no certainty that the reading is nb-S is correct. The hieroglyph for S is not clear. Several experts have examined the inscription and there is not consensus about that hieroglyph being N37 [Gardiner’s signs code] –N1 has also been suggested, being the epithet nb p.t (Lord of Heaven) a likely solution.