Name owner: Pakharu
Title owner: The illuminated, the Osiris
Dimensions (hxwxd): 8.0 x ? x ? cm
Translation hieroglyphs: The illuminated, the Osiris, Pa-Kharu
Preservation: Intact
R-R: 116.17
Provenance: sold in a lot of two at Bonhams 2006.
Comments: Parallel overview in Aubert Cache 2 nr. 13, and further examples in Araujo page 615 and 616 and in Objects for Eternity, 2.44.d page 157-159 with a short description of Hans D. Schneider who states that this Pa-Kharu was a son of the HP Hor also found in Cache 2 with some of the best shabtis of Cache 2.
Pa-Kharu (the name means: the Palestinian or the Syrier) was also named Aha-nefer-Amon (Amun is the good warrior) on his coffin but al his ushabtis are named Pa-Kharu. He was an important priest. His titles include: Priest of Amun, Godsfather (elderly priest), the one who opens the doors of heaven at the temple of Karnak, Teacher of Amun, Master of Secrets of Amun, Mout and Khonsu.