Name owner: Nesykhonsu
Title owner: The Osiris, supreme chief of the harem of Amun
Dimensions (hxwxd): 16.5 x 5.08 x 3.2 cm
Translation hieroglyphs: The Osiris, the Supreme Chief of the Harem of Amen, Nesy-Khonsu, she speaks: (followed by chapter VI)
Preservation: Broken under arms and at knee level, some encrustrations.
R-R: 178.20
Provenance: –
Comments: For a full reference see Glenn Janes, Shabtis in a private view nr. 53.
This a very nice example of the shabtis of this lady of the Royal Cache. She was a daughter of Smendes II and also a niece of Pinudjem II, both High Priest of Amen at Thebes. She was not only a niece of Pinudjem II but also his first wife. Her mother was Ta-hen-djehuty.
The titles of Nesy-Khonsu further include: “Priestess of Khnum, Superintendent of the Southern Lands and “Vicereine of Nubia” (also known as “Kings son of Kush”).