Name owner: Nesikhonsu
Title owner: The Osiris
Dimensions (hxwxd): 9.0 x 3.4 x 2.4 cm
Translation hieroglyphs: The Osiris, Nesi-Khonsu
Preservation: Intact
R-R: 178.20
Provenance: –
There is a shabti of this lady at the University of Zurich, and has been studied by Schlögl and Brodbeck “Ägypstiche Totenfiguren”, p. 228 (no. 151) and others in Valbelle “Ouchebtis”, pp. 59-60 (no.134). The shabti is described as being made of a greenish faience, wearing the headband and net basket on the back.
Further refence: Aegyptiaca Helvetica pg. 56 Nr. 45, Thebe, XX dynasty.