Name owner: Undjebauendjed
Title owner: The osiris, general
Dimensions (hxwxd): 9.2 x ? x ? cm
Translation hieroglyphs: The Osiris, The General, Un-djebau-en-djed, True of voice (or:
Asir imy-r-mSa wn-Dbaw-(n)-Dd.t mAa-xrw)
Preservation: Intact, bronze discoloured at places
R-R: –
Provenance: Ex-Bigler, prior to that ex-Swiss collection A.O. acquired prior to 1980.
Comments: General Un-djebau-en-djed was an important official under pharao Pusennes I in Tanis. He was also burried in his tomb.
His funery goods consisted of a large number of shabti and just as his master they were made from bronze and faience. No less than 360 were made of faience, 20 of bronze and a unknown amount of overseers in bronze. Montet discovered the tomb of Psusennes I in 1939. Unfortunately, during the Second Worldwar the magazine was robbed and much of its belongings were scattered all over the world and ended up in museum and private collections.