Name owner: Unknown
Title owner: The Osiris, seal bearer of the army
Dimensions (hxwxd): 14.6 x 4.6 x 2.5 cm
Translation hieroglyphs: The Osiris, seal bearer of the army, true of voice (in Hieratic)
Preservation: Intact, faience worn at places
R-R: –
Provenance: Canadian collection, sold by UK ADA dealer.
Comments: No parallels are published for this shabti. However, i know of another one also sold by the same UK ADA dealer.
This shabti is exceedingly rare as it features a hieratic inscription on a faience New Kingdom piece. Furthermore it also mentions the quite rare title of this shabti: seal bearer of the army. The shabti is translated at the BM as being for the owner Amen-Heru.
The blue faience is mainly worn although the black background unfortunately takes away some of its blue.
Also note the bandages running from the front panel to the back.