


Name owner: Horudja

Title owner: The Osiris

Dimensions (hxwxd): 15.8 x 4.4 x 2.4 cm

Translation hieroglyphs: Chapter six, see comment section, mother is Kha-W-Sen-Hep

Preservation: Intact

R-R: 246.23

Provenance: –

Comments: The shabtis for this owner have been fully inscribed with chapter six. Oddly so, the text seems to be written differently on each shabti, whereby at first glance the texts do not seem to make sense. Carefull study by Scholgl now leads to the conclusion by doing it in this way, it would be very difficult to usurp the shabti by future tomb robbers! Parallels are published in Schlogls: Corpus der Agyptischen Totenfiguren der Offentlichen Sammlungen Krakaus, page 94-95, in “Statuetten, gefasse und gerate”, Liebighaus, Frankfurt am Main, page 169-174 and “La collection Egyptienne du Musee de Picardie”, France, page 84. Another example is in the Louvre, no. E 20122.

Additional information


26th dynasty



Ancient provenance
